Update: Here is his 152kg +182kg in competition
Clarence Kennedy hits a 152.5kg Snatch and 185kg C&J for a 337.5kg total.
Update: Read his Interview on ATG.
Add 5 more kilos to the total. 190kg C&J
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Update: Here is his 152kg +182kg in competition
Clarence Kennedy hits a 152.5kg Snatch and 185kg C&J for a 337.5kg total.
Update: Read his Interview on ATG.
Add 5 more kilos to the total. 190kg C&J
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
Notice he never competes in anything official? Looks like Ireland its their own Pat Mendes
But he said he doesn’t take creatine?!
“But he said he doesn’t take creatine?! “..i love this response 🙂
are you saying hes on steroids? hes not lifting anything that would merit steroid suspicion…
It’s his rate of progression that hints that he’s juicing
He’s changed his technique a fuck ton if you pay close attention.
Hello trolls, this is Clarence. I’ve recently changed my technique in the lifts. My technique was horrible so I spent over a month doing 6 sets of 2s and 3s in both snatch, clean and jerk and power variations. So I basically spent over a month without going for max singles. I’m finally going for max singles again which means lots of PRs. I’m going to a competition on July 7th and I’m signed up for out of competition drug testing.
Thanks for stopping by Clarence.
Never mind the trolls. Do your thing and enjoy lifting.
All Things Gym has your back 🙂
PS: You should totally go on a lifting vacation and visit Hysen at Podium Gold for a couple of weeks/ months. Ever thought about doing something like that?
It encourages me to upload more YouTube videos to spread the jealously and hatred with my progress its funny to watch. I post videos to show the world how its done.
Thanks 🙂
and you show them man!!! people will say anything to undermine the fact that handwork is what it takes to get anywhere. Most of these haters won’t amount to anything because every time someone hardworking will come along they’ll just accuse them of drugs and keep convincing themselves that their mediocre existence is a result of their higher moral ground and not laziness
not sure how this works….its like the guy who runs a 10.5 posts a lot of videos to get “trolls” jealous, when in reality they should be more jealous of the sub 10 guys who don’t post any vids and just train quietly.
Keep it up dude,
best wishes from Chile, south america. I’ll follow your carrer until your retirement, hope in many years from now!.
You certainly move your feet a hell of a lot better
Brilliant Clarence,nothing but postives with your progress,200kg cln & jrk soon, that 190kg looked easy !all your squatting is paying dividends !glad you will be competing soon,all the best,cheers
Rate of progression looks pretty “normal” to me. There are no huge jumps
Yah, 5kg per week is pretty normal. Good point
Hello trolls, this is Clarence. I’ve recently changed my technique in the lifts. My technique was horrible so I spent over a month doing 6 sets of 2s and 3s in both snatch, clean and jerk and power variations. So I basically spent over a month without going for max singles. I’m finally going for max singles again which means lots of PRs. I’m going to a competition on July 7th and I’m signed up for out of competition drug testing.
Well I guess you just gotta get that roids outta ya system by then…..
Come on man, tell them already about omnas injections!
Clarence, I read an interview about your progression from tricking and Parkour to Olympic weightlifting. I also got my start doing Parkour and gymnastics and found an unexpected love of the barbell. I would love to chat with you about training ideas and exchange some dialogue. I am from the US and have trained at the gyms of great coaches in California (Greg Everett/Catalyst Athletics, California Strength, etc.) Would you mind sending me an email? My address is [email protected]. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!
lol keep it up boss!
I train with Clarence trust me he isn’t juicing, it show’s how petty you are to say something like that because you are jealous of his progress/lifts! Furthermore the reason why he isn’t competing in anything “official” in Ireland because the competitions lack a talent pool and he is waiting till the Europeans! However you have formed your own assumption and will more then likely declare me “stupid”!
2013 European championships?
Where do you and Clarence train? Ireland or USA?
who gives a damn. whether he is juicing or not, hes lifts are pretty impressive for a guy who isn’t a elite weightlifter. if anything hes lifts about the same as an average chinese 69kg weightlifter, so hes not going to be competitive.
i think its hilarious this guy has 200 plus videos on his tube and hes not even a high level lifter. shows what the real difference is between elite and below average…minus the roids, even if hes taking it.
You seem jelly.
Does anyone else find it strange that an 18-year old who’s been lifting for 10 minutes sets up a website espousing knowledge on the sport of weightlifting and people are actually lapping it up and seeking advice? He’s doing well as a lifter but there are always freaks who will do well on any program, it doesn’t always translate to knowledge or understanding or necessarily work for other lifters. Just a thought. Good luck to him, though.