Meanwhile in Ireland …
Update: Read his Interview on ATG.
Clarence Kennedy snatches 165 at 93kg! … and he says he has more to come 🙂
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in Ireland …
Update: Read his Interview on ATG.
Clarence Kennedy snatches 165 at 93kg! … and he says he has more to come 🙂
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
Welcome back Clarence! Hope you’re well, good luck for the future!
back from? Injury? Used to love watching this guy.
Yeah, he had some trouble with his knees.
Haha, classic Gregor. Such a joker 😉
“trouble with his knees” and then comes back and squats 250kg.. lol . But on a serious note, it seemed like his injury/problem was somewhat serious, I would love to know what he did to get healthier. Thanks
Guess we’ll find out. But the last vid he put up in Poland before he dropped off the face of the earth was pause squats because of knee problems. My guess is he got so strong at the squat so fast that his knees couldn’t keep up with his rapidly professing poundages. So pause squats are easier on his knees because they’re lighter but they’re harder so he can still push his leg strenght up.
*progressing poundages
I don’t think the issue was so much with the progressing poundages but more to do with the speed of the drop (or eccentric). In earlier videos he was able to squat so much due to the stretch reflex of the quadriceps (i’m not trying to take anything away from his inhuman strength). However, his young age (therefore young tendons and ligaments) and frequency of heavy squats lead to severe knee pain and injury. I hope to see him progress and compete again.
clarence actually replied in the comments of the snatch vid on youtube saying “It wasn’t that serious and it was still possible to train with the injury but it was difficult to train and hampered my technique to some degree. I needed rest not only because of my knee injury but because I was in a severely overtrained state. If you watch my video: ”180kg Clean and Jerk 6×2 – Friday’s training session” you can see the amount of volume I was doing, I lifted at similar volume and intensity for WAAAAY too long without a deload.”
He explained it in some YouTube comments of his recent videos. Said the injury was due to long-term overtraining and “rehabbed” it by just training less and not using big weights.
Any idea when this interview is going to be up Gregor?
no, takes some time.