Meanwhile in Ireland…
Time for our weekly Clarence Kennedy fix. Soon he’ll need to buy more plates!
More: Read his Interview on ATG.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in Ireland…
Time for our weekly Clarence Kennedy fix. Soon he’ll need to buy more plates!
More: Read his Interview on ATG.
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Wow such a weightlifting talent. 220kg will give him a 190-195kg in competition. Great achievement at 94 class.
I was thinking more of 200kg – 205kg. It’ll probably come down to how much a weight cut will affect him.
I think he could do more; it seems to me that he was getting pretty close to his training maxes in his previous competitions. Then again, I don’t think he was cutting as much weight back then.
While he was initially training in Poland and going to comps his max was around 192.5-195 and 190 looked really easy. Don’t overestimate how much the weight cut takes from you.
So we are in agreement. His cut will result in underachievement. May as well lift as a light 105.
190 at 85 was criminally easy. At 88 his max was 195 in poland at the time I believe. A weight cut is a weight cut, but the strength doesn’t leave unless you screw yourself over and gain too much weight.