After the “Squat Like a Weightlifter workshop“, here is the “Clean like a Weightlifter” workshop.
One afternoon of coaching by Marco Spanehl compressed into one hour. He uses the bottom up approach to teach the group of non weightlifters the movements. Very interesting to see what coaching cues he uses to correct mistakes.
In addition you will learn some German weightlifting vocabulary such as “UMSETZEN” or “UMGRUPPIEREN”!
But rest assured the video also comes with English subtitles.
sorry everybody lift differently … not a well organized method here….
I don’t think you can expect them to lift the same way after one session given how technical the classic lifts are. Otherwise, we’d all be snatching like Lu Xiaojun and doing C&J’s like Ilya Ilyin.
they have 2 different technique you can snatch like Lu if you use same basic pattern, or clean like Ilya but not same srenght and speed lol
the purpuse of a seminary is to teach same pattern to everybody and show movement step by step so athlete understand at any part of the lift where they are and where the bar is position…and yes its possible after only 1 hour with a stick or less than 30% of max to leave time to your body to accomodate and feel the new pattern
why the hate, it´s free content delivered by a former professional weightlifter. How good are you at teaching the clean?
no hate …i teach a strick pattern…good knowledge and applyimg it is not the same …my point is very objective…
In addition he is not just an ex-lifter but actually coaches the top lifters in Berlin. So he knows what he is talking about it and has plenty of coaching experience and knowledge.
The guys from bodybuildingrev produce lots of cool videos and good content. I also liked the squat workshop, but there are also funny videos. And they are pretty strong as well.
i did not questions is knowledge nor is experience nor is coaching results noris personnal result…i just made 1 comment …maybe it was not the point of that workshop to have identical patterns but bottom lineis: its a very constructive video for bodybuilders and very good to integrate weightlifting in all sports …i also love that squat workshop lol…have a good day all
allright then, imo:
newbies very rarely have identical patterns considering their lack of flexibility, mobilty and specific strength. you have a good day too!
This was my point too. Get a total weightlifting newbie (don’t care how strong or great he is at powerlifting or other iron sports) and it’ll take YEARS to iron out technique much less getting him/her to lift EXACTLY the same way as the guy/girl next to him. I’m sure if you give this guy a couple of months with these lifters, they’d all be doing much better afterward.
(Note: I didn’t watch the vid)
“Everybody lift differently” … as one could see in every weightlifting tournament so far. That’s the reality. Why do you want to teach the same pattern to everybody?
Imo, the purpose of an 1 day seminar is to get a feeling for the basics like second pull, controlled first pull, full extension, keeping bar close, staying over the bar, pulling under and having FUN with a sport that can really suck from time to time. The outcome will look different because people are different.
for reacrational sports (non competitive) i teach same pattern for individual to avoid injuries and impact of the weights on the body and joints, for competitive athlete its an other story …i agree with having fun too…but the technique as evolved a lot since the great powerfull Pissarenko, Kurlovich Nerlinger ,Shalamanov ,Dimas and all the other 1980 top lifters with the revolutianary technique of Zadeh …thats why you do not see many broken elbows anymore…have a good day
Thanks for the reply. How do you think the technique has evolved? What is the revolutionary technique of Rezazadeh?
A lot of weightlifter still use the explosive technique from the 80′ (the pulling technique) to explode as hard as you can with quads and traps and calf work Witch makes the atlete to extend way behind the bar in snatch and clean witch result in a wide stance catching position and a lack of stability in full squat position and a crashing bar on the athlete because they work opposite force with the body and the bar ( the bar vertical axl and the body fighting horizontal axl because pulling elavating the calf to full extension makes gravity center to move foward) and you do not hear an impact on the floor as the athlète lands( impact goes in the athlète result in loss a lot energy).compare to zadeh technique ( the jumping technique) who works in the vertical axl of the body to fix the bar at is strong point : hip to push the bar vertical using hamstrings and glutes strength with make the athlete to have a perfect alignement with hip and shoulders before he jumps with the weight…there is no crashing of the bar on the athlete because they work in sinergy since he push flat foot and leave center of gravity in place and the feet land same stance as starting position and you can hear the paf of the impact on the floor ( impact goes in the floor witch leave full energy to athlete )…sorry m’y english would be easier to show you with vidéo lol …but i thing youll get it as you watch past 1980-1990 and present lifters 2010-2015 in world championships winners