Update: Book is out now
If you wondered what Benedikt Magnusson’s favorite meals look like…
Wonder no more!
His wife compiled a cookbook of Benedikt’s favorite meals.
“I started these creations when he was training for the 500-kg Arnold Classic Hummer Tyre Lift and perfected all the recipes during his training for his most recent raw record of 460 kg. I decided to compile this cookbook with all of the foods that scored the highest on the Bennifactor rating system!
“It contains recipes of my ‘famous’ (haha) Deadlift Pancakes and the 6,500 calorie ‘Benwich,’ a Super Sandwich to say the least!”
It’s not out yet but you can check out the facebook page.
his WIFE wrote the book NOT his MOM!!!
OOps, thanks for the heads up. Fixed it.