List time we saw a Front Squat Triple by Dan Green it was with 240kg.
Update 12.09.2013: 272kg (600lbs) Front Squat x2
And the man also gets 261kg x3.
Check out this podcast here, where he talks about his programming and when he implements Front Squats.
Update: 279kg (615lbs) Stiff Legged Deficit Deadlifts x6
Is Dan Green, across the board, pound-for-pound, the greatest powerlifter in any class today- especially given that he does raw, to depth lifts at ridiculous weights and trains in a variety of movements?
I don’t think “pound for pound” is the best way to look at it, but I agree with your general sentiment. I think Koklyaev is a better strength athlete though and I think Pozdeev and Belyaev are good contenders for second and third
I agree that Koklyaev is a better strength athlete, but as a powerlifter (which is what I mentioned in my original statement) Dan Green is on the verge of totaling as much or more at 100 lbs lighter and a few years younger, which is pretty astounding (granted, Dan Green is doing it in Knee Wraps while MK used sleeves only). I agree that nobody today compares to MK across the board (weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman)
For the record, Dan does over 2,000 without knee wraps as well. He holds the no wraps record in 220s and the wrapped record in 242s. Dan is certainly one of the most impressive lifters today, and he’s had quite the meteoric rise. Posdeev and Belyaev haven’t done any full meets raw in a few years. They more do these big push-pull or deadlift only tournaments that seem common in Russia. Big cash prizes, etc.
Yes, Dan is a beast with or without wraps, at 220 or 242, and could hang with and be elite even among superheavies.
Also, just to clarify- I said that Koklyaev is a better strength athlete overall, simply because he excels at so many different strength sports. It could also be argued that because Dan Green is the best in his sport (while MK is elite in several sports, but not the best in any one), Dan is a greater strength athlete. I’m not sure which view is more valid. Anyway you cut it, they are both amazing athletes, and seem like great people.
Oh, I definitely agree that Koklyaev is a better all-around strength athlete.
why doesn’t he lift in the IPF?
Does anyone know what shoes those are?