Meanwhile in the US …
The Front Squat Machine aka Dan Green gets another PR with 292.5 kg (645 lbs)!
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in the US …
The Front Squat Machine aka Dan Green gets another PR with 292.5 kg (645 lbs)!
Hi, I run ATG.
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No doubt Green is a strong guy and this was a legit depth squat, its just a shame he chooses to not lift in a credible federation even one where they wouldnt test him like the WPC…..
Just to add, he did lift in the USPA and it is some kind of a affiliate of the wpc.
or in other words: it’s possible that he lifted in an affiliate of the wpc and he also did lift in the gpc.
Unlike Oly lifters, power lifters have a choice regarding what fed they compete in. This means lifters aren’t trying to cheat drug tests. I actually have much more respect for Green knowing that he does not compete in tested feds. This is more honest and shows better sportsmanship than trying to compete in a tested fed and beat the tests.
Oh, and Green competes in many, many different feds. He competes in Raw Unity, the GPC, GPA–the list goes on and on. GPA is currently the most competitive raw fed there is, with strict judging. Look at the line up for the 2014 GPA Worlds. This is just Russian lifters who are competing.
Not to belabor a point, but here is a list of lifters Green has gone head to head with: (at Worldlifting) Belyaev, Pozdeev, (At Raw Unity) Jay Nera, Sam Byrd, Jeremy Hamilton. He certainly doesn’t shy away from international, high level competition with strict judging.
Just want to reiterate Everett’s point- this guy is awesome, and doesn’t pretend to be drug free, so why slight him for the feds he competes in? No one of prominence on this website is drug free- definitely not the oly lifters like Klokov. So don’t knock one of the strongest people in the world who is also honest about how he competes rather than trying to beat tests.
My point was not in relation to whether he uses drugs or not, it is irrelevent to me. I just said that if he wants to compete against the best and not get tested ( perfectly within his rights) I guess we will be seeing him at the WPC worlds in Florida this year?
I’m not trying to talk down about the WPC, but the best competition isn’t in the WPC. Most of the top raw lifters have moved to GPA or RUM for raw competitions. Just look at the WPC Worlds the last few years–the level of competition is MUCH lower than at Raw Unity or similar competitions in GPC or GPA. Again, not trying to talk down about WPC, but you’re saying that WPC would legitimate Green more because it has the best lifters, but it doesn’t. Show me a WPC performance from the last few years where a 220 or 242 has lifted anything that would place higher than RUM–you just won’t find it. WPC Worlds 2009 was great, but that’s been half a decade ago. The competition has moved elsewhere.