Meanwhile in the U.S. …
One week out from the Raw Unity Meet 7 Dan Green gets a 300kg Paused Squats double.
Update: 320kg Paused Squat
Post by Daniel Green.
Also check his 288kg Front Squat.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in the U.S. …
One week out from the Raw Unity Meet 7 Dan Green gets a 300kg Paused Squats double.
Update: 320kg Paused Squat
Also check his 288kg Front Squat.
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
A great way to start the month. Those are some great squats.
omg thats some crazy ass squats ! , thanks for posting gregor:)
This reminded me of Tuchscherer’s 308.5 kg beltless paused squat @ 120 kgs. It’s worth noting that Tuchscherer competes frequently in the USAPL and has never tested positive. One of the few top level lifters that I believe is clean. (For the record, I love both tested and untested lifting.)
Nice, I had not seen this squat before.
Oh my god. Dan is the new quadzilla!
320… nice! I guess I have to update with another response as well. This is the heaviest paused squat I’ve seen, but it’s with wraps. 380 kgs!