How does a 220 lbs class lifter outlifting Koklyaev by 10 lbs raw and legit get 0 comments for 8 months?
Bart Minelsays
It’s a wide, half-squat…with knee wraps on a monolift. He does not outlift Koklyaev, you have to be joking. Powerlifting raw squats=raw Half Squats. Equipped….. even lamer.
@Bart Minel: Are you drunk? He squats obviously very deep even with wraps.
How does a 220 lbs class lifter outlifting Koklyaev by 10 lbs raw and legit get 0 comments for 8 months?
It’s a wide, half-squat…with knee wraps on a monolift. He does not outlift Koklyaev, you have to be joking. Powerlifting raw squats=raw Half Squats. Equipped….. even lamer.
@Bart Minel: Are you drunk? He squats obviously very deep even with wraps.