This will add 10kg to your lifts.
Dave Tate posted all 33 parts of the Tour De Force Training Seminar from 2000.
Update: Videos were set to private and aren’t available anymore.
He covers a lot of ground. Learn what works and how to avoid common mistakes.
I should have added that it is about the Westside’s method and how they approaches training.
Specifically Periodization, why classic western method of periodization (hypertrophy , strength, power, peak) is inferior to Westside’s methods (conjugated preriodization).
Details on Max Effort Method, Dynamic Effort Method for bench press and squat, Repetion Method for accessory work, (part 6 and following)
On GPP and starting out beginners – part 11 and following
Using bands – part 15
Definitely worth your time.
Did you watch this?
Can you give a summary of what he talks about?
I should have added that it is about the Westside method and how they approaches training.
Specifically Periodization, why classic western method of periodization (hypertrophy , strength, power, peak) is inferior to Westside’s methods (conjugated preriodization).
Details on Max Effort Method, Dynamic Effort Method for bench press and squat,
Repetion Method for accessory work, (part 6 and following)
On GPP and starting out beginners – part 11 and followingUsing bands – part 15
2.40″ no such a thing as genetic ability… all bullcrap. 3.02″…i ve seen people with superior genetic ability….
I m getting confused here. I hope the whole seminar wasn t like that.
:), Nah, it gets better
Did anyone by any chance download these?