After not winning a single gold medal in the 2008 and 2012 Olympics it is time for a change in Russian Weightlifting.
Rigert will not coach the Russian team in the future.
Head coach of the Russian men’s team coach, David Rigert, and women’s national teams Soltan Karakotov will not work with the Russian weightlifters next season.
Next coaches will be determined by a competition(?)
After consideration of the candidates the committee will present the names of those who will contest for the position of head coach, to the Ministry of Sports. “It is clear that the question of a new cycle, a new four-year program, the new Olympic cycle, including all European and world championships, the World Universiade in Kazan. These individuals must provide their targeted program of work up to 2016. Already from this will push off at choice. Commission will review the nominations and then the decision of the committee the names of candidates will be submitted to the Ministry, where they also will consider and approve, “- said Syrtsov.
Update: New coaches announced: Alexander Venkov and Alexander Vidova.
Competition! Make them lift for it!
that’s it. Everybody were waiting for this. Russia has a large talent pool, probably is the most traditional school in weightlifitng History (by the way we can not forget that during USSR era, most champions were not russians, but Armenians, Ukraine and Bielorussia) and not winning a single gold in London was desastrous. Maybe the Russians are doing too much sets with 70% and only a litlle bit above 95% . Well, that could be a good debate.
I don’t think not winning a single gold had anything to do with training scheme, more like other coach errors (Apti’s weight, Klokov/Akkaev injuries etc). This had to happen.
I doubt that.
Klokov’s cycle was poorly planned it seems, maybe Akkaev was really injured and that might not have been preventable. Apti’s weight, what do you think was wrong with that?
Overall I’d say 1/3 is coach’s error.
The way I see it is the error is in the four years leading up to the olympics. It looks like there is little faith in the system, or maybe even lack thereof, Rigert had in place. I remember hearing that Klokov for example trains by himself, etc.
Apti lost by bodyweight. About the coach made him drink water BEFORE weigh-in to appear not as light? Not sure about the logic behind that, but there’s something on this site about it.
And Slivenko.
Also, in the 75kg category Evshukina bombed, then Podobedova who was discarded by Russia got the gold and Zabolatnya got the silver. Zabolatnaya was only there because Slivenko was out.
So in Russia’s strongest female category they had the 3 best lifters but managed to miss out on a gold.
Somebody’s gotta pay for that.
yes, I respect your opinion. but we can see many examples of nations that have a solid system of training. Everybody in IRAN and KAZA follow a national training system for juvenil junior and senior. I trained with a Cuban and a Romenian coach, and I can say that they have some different views about exercises selection and percentagens. Some coachs like classic periodization, some coachs prefer the Bulgarian way. And please, I don’t want to say nothing bad about Rigert, this man Knows a 1000 times more than me about olympic weightlifitng.
dude is cool as hell though. doesnt give a shit
I think the Coaches cost Kashirina the gold. They underestimated Zhou Lulu big time and Kashirina could have and has C&J more than 181kg.