Mark Bell talks you through a form check of a 317.5kg (700lbs) deadlift at 96kg bodyweight.
I didn’t understand the name of this guy. Nick Cogy?
Anyway, nice lift with interesting shoulder pop and some good tips form Mr. Bell.
PS: If you are wondering about the app he is using, it looks like it’s the Coach’s Eye App.
that “shoulder pop” is becoming a pretty common teaching tool. By retracting and depressing the scaps you can create a tight shelf on your back to pull with. Also, when you pull your scaps down/bac you can really engage your lats, which will create a ton of tension and help you pull faster.
I was at this meet competing for PPTC and it was pretty cool how it went down. As Mark says in the video, this guy missed his first attempt at 700. It got past his knees and didn’t go up any further and he grinded against it for 3-5 seconds or so before dropping it. He went over and talked with Derek for a while before his next pull and Derek gave him a few pointers and I could be wrong, but I think bringing the shoulders back before the pull was one point he emphasized. Then he went back out there and smoked it like you see in this video. I was really impressed, it was a good job and he should be proud as hell of that lift.
Crazy to ssee him come back from a failed attempt and then rip it like this…
Will definitely give this a try too next deadlift session.