Meanwhile in Russia …
In preparation for the 2016 Klokov Power Weekend Dmitry Klokov and Dmitry Berestov are going heavy on Strict Presses.
160 / 165kg!
More: Watch the 2015 Power Weekend Strict Press competition with Klokov’s 162kg Press.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in Russia …
In preparation for the 2016 Klokov Power Weekend Dmitry Klokov and Dmitry Berestov are going heavy on Strict Presses.
160 / 165kg!
More: Watch the 2015 Power Weekend Strict Press competition with Klokov’s 162kg Press.
A video posted by Berestov Dmitry (@berestov_dmitriy) on
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Tommy Kono pressed 347.5 in that style in competition back in 1961 in the light-heavy class. They IWF should bring back the Press but in the strict style, not the “two hand anyhow without moving your feet” that it bacame. You wont see the bullshit weights they used to “press” in the early 70’s but instead a realistic test of strength can be had as was originally intended in a slow strict lift. That will even out the field for lifters that have more pressing that snatching ability and then decide the contest with the C&J. Many lifters retired after the banning the Press because of being deficient in snatch skill and could not make up the difference in the C&J. Lifting with just the “fast lifts” is not totally representative of overall strength.
man the press Serge Redding did (500) was a thing of beauty..a little back bend but very strict considering the rules. Amazing power.
So you see, I dont remember those days when press was a competition lift, too young to do. But seeing this I definitely dont want it to come back into weightlifting competion. I have seen other presses from old competitions and indeed this is pretty strict compared to some others. Also very, very impressive the weight he moved no doubt!
But it simply is not a strict press as I know it. Not a complete push press, but also not a very strict one. I for one if moving the bar in my training in this fashion would not consider the lift a strict press. I would not even attempt it like this. Kudos to him, he obviously could make the use of every trick allowed to move the heaviest weight he could without it being not considered a strict press by the rules. I would not even know how to and I would not want to know. When I do my strict press max attempts it is really a strict press. For me this was not.
Still, mad respect cuz the weight is unreal!