Here is a weightlifting wallpaper to replace your boring desktop backgrounds.
I thought to myself, why not combine 2 things I enjoy, Black & White photography and watching Dmitry Klokov lift heavy things.
So I took the still from his 250kg Paused Front Squat, removed the other people who were in the gym and made it a proper high contrast Black & White wallpaper.
- klokov-front-squat-wallpaper.jpg 311kb (1920 x 1080 px, right click + save as)
- huge version 1.06 mb for poster print
Small Preview:
Very good man, make more with his 203 snatch from the platform.
Thank you
Will look into it.
thanks! that looks pretty awesome. wallpaper changed
Great Job!
Great job Gregor! I know what you could write in the top corner:
Are you sure? I have to call Non Evans and check if this is in fact true, since I can’t remember.
Hahaha… clean and jairk is really about the powah of the thighs, while snatch is about baahlance
or DSP™
i would make the quote the famous one from alexander karelin:
“No one can believe that I am natural. The most important drug is to
train like a madman, really like a madman.The people who accuse me are
those who have never trained once in their life as I train every day of
my life.”
or you could just use the last sentence!
Now that’s a fitting one. Good idea Mike!
Greg, Nice looking wallpapers of Dmitry. Would there be any chance in getting you to make two additional versions (small and large) in living color for those of us who prefer color? Same exact picture as far as removing the other people etc., but in living color. Thanks
Thanks for the feedback Walt.
But I really don’t like color photography. Color distracts. The entire shot would just look flat and washed out. Basically like a screenshot from a bad quality video
Greg, one more thought. Maybe see how it would look with just Dmitry and the weights in color and leave everything else in black & white.
You should definitely do more wallpapers of weightlifters. That’s a nice looking wallpaper!
Sweet wallpaper. You should make more.
Is there a higher res one?