See, the Chinese are not the only ones doing handstands.
In addition to his Overhead Press Dmitry also banged out a couple Handstand Push ups (a.k.a Earth Pushes, as a youtuber called them) today. Full ROM and not the headstand version which seems to be very popular in crossfit WODs these days.
Youtuber drarara translated what Dmitry said: “When his wrist doesn’t hurt, and that happens rarely, he hits about 3 sets of these after the workout. 12-10-8 reps.”
If you can’t do full ROM yet, you can simply progress by increasing the range of motion over time (i.e. the height of the blocks for example).
So bang out a couple too next time you are in the gym. They don’t hurt (much).
Also check out Lu Xiaojun doing some Handstand Push-Ups.
Update: Challenge from Dmitry.
5 Handstand Push-ups + 5 Push-ups + 5 Handstand push-ups + 5 Push-ups
man, he gets low on those!!
Is that his home gym?
No that the David Rigert’s Weightlifting Acadamy in Taganrog
He also mentioned why the gym was named this way in his radio interview:
Cool place! Thanks for the links, Gregor!