Meanwhile in Buenos Aires, Argentina … at a stop on the Dmitry Klokov World Domination Seminar Tour.
On today’s menu: Fried Shoulders, Russian style!
Workout: 21-15-9 rep Rounds of
- Deficit (a.k.a. Full ROM) Strict Hand Stand Push-ups
- Push-ups
- Strict Press (50kg)
Not the first time we see Dmitry giving some love to Full HSPUs.
Oh and before the Crossfit haters come out, I hope you have seen his 186kg Snatch he also did the other day.
Update: “Centaur Complex”
Workout: For Time
- Run 400 metres + 120kg x10 Squat
- Run 400 metres + 140kg x10 Squat
- Run 400 metres + 160kg x10 Squat
- Run 400 metres + 180kg x10 Squat
Time: 14:26
Update: Crazy Frog Workout.
- 140x Barbell Overhead Jumps Forward with 40 kg.
Time: 23 minutes
My legs died!!1
Also on this post on his vk he commented that he will not go to the Rio Olympics.
(automatic google translation)
Update: Swim + Press Workout, 3 Rounds of
- Swim 100 meters + Snatch Grip BTN Press 62 kg x10 Reps
Time: 13:34
There are deficit handstand push-ups and there are those, which need a new name to distinguish how much harder they are (I would imagine; I cannot say from experience). What was most impressive to me is how hard he worked to get through it and gut it out.
Even here, crossfitters have found a way of cheating:
Kudos to Klokov for doing it properly.
Except, that isn’t allowed when the hspu are denoted ‘strict’. Even in crossfit.
This was in Buenos Aires, Argentina, actually, during the seminar he gave here yesterday (I was there :D)
Shame his camera derped before he finished, though, the end was epic. He really did thrash his upper back utterly, and we were all cheering him on during the ‘9’ sets until he managed to finish. It was magnificent to see such an absolutely monstrous effort on his part.