Just got wind of this one …
Sad to see him go. What an amazing lifter.
Here are his career bests:
- the 211kg snatch from the 2005 Worlds in Qatar
- and his 250kg Clean & Jerk at the Beijing 2008 Olympics.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Just got wind of this one …
Sad to see him go. What an amazing lifter.
Here are his career bests:
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Thanks for the update. It’s sad to see him go, but it looks like it’s about time he did leave, for health reasons. It’s too bad we never really got to see his best on the platform. Here’s to his success for all the years after weightlifting
Very sad to see this legend go. Always been one of my favourites since I started following in 2008 or so. A real shame we never got to see his best and I think a big shame he never won gold at the olympics. I agree with ct64 it’s time for him to go as watching him injure himself on the platform the last few competitions has been painful. All the best Evgeny.
Great lifter. Great person. Pound for pound probably the strongest super heavy weight in today’s world. Wish him the best.
also his name is just fun to say. chigishev… chiiiggiiisheeev
Great example of why you don’t necessarily have to weigh 150 kilos to compete with the HWs
I second that. All that fat is COMPLETELY useless and unhealthy; heart, blood vessels, blood pressure, joints (knee, ankles), dyslipidemia, etc. It also substracts integral performance from the overweight athletes (gymnastics moves, plyometrics, sprints, etc.).
But I’m losing the point: Chigishev. Sure he will never be forgotten. I’ll be the third one to say this, but what’s sad is that we never got to see his true potential. But Chigishev may always be remembered, along with Pisarenko, as the ideal for the lean, muscular heavyweight. Godspeed, Evngeny!
Makes me proud to be named Evgeny!
Sad… Such a great sportsman.. And he newer was world champion 🙁
followed his whole career in the sport… great lifter. wouldnt mind see him go powerlifting… hope he also does work with russian team in OW.
getting chigi with it!