The new Feats of Strength Compilation (v.4) is out.
Features a lot of the big lifts you saw posted here on ATG over time.
0:00 Artem Udachyn
0:20 Igor Lukanin
0:35 Oleg Perepetchenov
0:46 Ilya Ilin
0:59 Milko Tokola
1:33 Mikhail Koklyaev
1:43 Vasily Polovnikov
1:58 Vladislav Rigert
2:13 Stefan Botev
2:33 Pete Rubish
2:48 Pyrros Dimas
2:59 Bill Kazmaier
3:20 Dmitry Klokov
3:33 Miika Antti-Roiko
3:55 Siamand Rahman
4:17 Ingar Storsve
4:27 Johannes Årsjö
4:34 Hysen Pulaku
4:51Vasily Polovnikov
5:02 Ivan Stoitsov
5:11 Jouko Ahola
5:28 Dmitry Klokov
5:41 Warrick Brant
5:51 Vadim Kahuta
6:08 Chingiz Mogushkov
6:18 Mikhail Koklyaev
6:33 Clarence Kennedy
6:42 Ray Williams