Thanks to Joel Jamieson you now can download your free copy of “Fundamentals of Sports Training” by L. Matveyev (pdf) which sells for $200 to $400 on Amazon. Certainly a nice addition to the library.
“Today, I’d like to pass along this invaluable piece of historic training work along to those who will value the information and take the time to read it and apply it. I’ve read just about every major book on the subject, those worth reading anyway, and this one is literally the original. Yes, this really is the first book ever written on the concept of periodization.”
wow, thank You very much,great site btw. starting my own soon…..what about this handstand seminar i read about in the gb forum?
Hey AtT, no news so far for the seminar. I don't know if it will happen or not, there is not a lot of demand.
i think berlin is quite far awaY for most people…is it yOur home town? I come from bielefeld .my sister lives overthere so it is no problem for me….would reallY aprettiate to workout with You and handbalancer