Former gymnast Dusty Hyland talks about the basics of the dip.
Important to post stuff like this from time to time. Just recently somebody wanted to enlighten me on the dangers of proper dipping depth. “Dude, don’t go so low. It will screw up your shoulders”. Where have you heard this before?
Just as with half squats, if you stop the movement at parallel, that is when the join is under maximum stress.
You don’t do half squats. Why would you want to do half dips?
Dips won’t screw up your shoulder. You neglecting your mobility screw up your shoulder.
Moving your joint through their entire range of motion should be the default for every exercise.
So, a Deep Dip, just as a deep squat, is the default. If you can’t get depth, work on mobility.
- lower to the deepest position where you are still able to remain an active shoulder, don’t sag
- elbows stay tight to the body.