Meanwhile in Russia …
Gennady Muratov (105kg) has a a couple of bangers for you.
(BTW, if you want to see more hang snatches, click on the “hang snatch” category below the post)
Update: YouTube Video
230kg Front Squat + Jerk
Update: YouTube Video
220kg x2 Clean
Update: YouTube Video
I wonder who will start at this years worlds for russia … especially in the 105 and +105 category.
When are the worlds for russia?
I meant: I wonder who the Russians will send as their representatives for this years world championship in Poland (in the 105kg and +105kg category).
I don’t think we will see Gennady or even Berestov.
If I understand the whole situation correctly all the candidates for worlds are in the training camp in Istra now.
105+ you’ll see Albegov and Mogushkov/Lapikov. Albegov takes gold, the game is his now.
Salimi didn’t solve his problems with coaches, did he?
It’s amazing how many weightlifting videos come out that still look like they were filmed with a potato.