Meanwhile in England …
I think this is the first time I post a video about Lunges.
But when Graham Hicks does a set with 200kg it’s worth it. (He also did a 360kg SLDL that session).
By the way, Graham agreed to answer some questions about his specialty – Overhead Pressing Strength. So if you have questions regarding the OHP in Strongman (or in general) post them in the comments.
Update: Questions delivered.
Great Stuff Gregor as usual.
My question for Graham: What’s the best way of preparing for a log in comp (either press or clean and press) without a log in your gym?
Thanks a lot!
Graham: Any tips for keeping your elbows healthy? Whenever I go high volume on the overhead work I get some ulnar irritation, which kills my progress.
what kind of training program does he recommend for an o-lifter who wants to transition to strongman?
Had you been strong overhead right from the beginning or did the strength came with a special kind of programming?
What do you prefer regarding a big loglift: training with the log only or with a barbell too?
How do the different exercises contribute to the loglift (percent) in your opinion (example: 40% front squat, 30% push press, 30% press)?
Do you train log cleans or strict presses with the log specifically?
General overhead pressing: as heavy as possible or rather at ~80% with more speed?
Do you do high-rep sets with pressing movements in the offseason?
Do you do bodybuilding-style training for shoulder hypertrophy?
What are your favorite prehab/rehab exercises?
Would you recommend (narrow) benching besides overhead pressing to improve the latter?
As it is no strongman-specific exercise: Do you bench regularly?
Does he use chains in OHP training?
Nice lunges.
My question about OHP:
What tips do you have for improving OHP?
Currently I can only do about 2/3rds of my BW. I would like to at least be able to OHP my body weight, but I have been failing on gains recently.
Any tips or suggestions for when you felt like you couldn’t do more weight in the OHP and how you overcame this?