Gunel Talybova sets some all time world records.
Gunel totals 405kg at 52kg (892 lbs @ 114), breaking the all-time World Record total and Deadlift record with a 185 kg (408 lb) pull at the 2012 WPC Worlds.
Thanks to Everett for submitting.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Gunel Talybova sets some all time world records.
Gunel totals 405kg at 52kg (892 lbs @ 114), breaking the all-time World Record total and Deadlift record with a 185 kg (408 lb) pull at the 2012 WPC Worlds.
Thanks to Everett for submitting.
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How’s that saying go? Somewhere in the world there is a 52kg woman warming up with your max :).
Nice one Gunel!
may be so…but wHY THIS MAGICAL 52 KG WOMAN DOESNT CHALLENGE WITH GUNEL???? may be youy have photos or video there she did 200 kg in squat….LOL from you Guest….