If you don’t have the funds to get the Elite FTS Collegiate Power Rack check out this good looking homemade power rack built by a redditor.
This looks like a great DIY project for your holidays.
Here is the thread where you can ask questions.
Below is another wooden squat rack option from here.
I built one to before i saw this
Pics or it didn’t happen.
I built one using this design and it is very sturdy. I’ve had 400lbs on the rack and it doesn’t even flinch. Iused 4x6s for the frame and 1 inch pipe for the rack. I didn’t put all of the holes in that they have here. Just the holes for squat, bench, and safety bar heights. I added a 1 inch pipe across the middle to use as a pull up bar and I hang rings from that so I can do dips.
wat do u all need
Aaron, did you thread the pipe holes? Or just slide them snug?
Aaron, did you thread the pipe holes? Or just slide them snug?
My version.
More details about construction and design here: