So I have caught a nasty gastro-intestinal virus. Vomiting, diarrhea you name it.
Started the other day with waking up and feeling kinda off. 2 hours later I was laying in fetal position in bed shivering.
So the obvious question is: How to get back into training?
There are lots of different strategies. Some just jump right back into their program. Others do 2-3 full body workouts in the first week.
Since I do 5/3/1 I think I will ease into back it by
- starting with the deload week of my last cycle (maybe deload without the deload)
- continue with standard 5+ in the following week
What are your strategies for getting back into training?
Since you run 5/3/1 you could run a deload week. That’s what I do with 5/3/1 if I get sick like that. Once I’ve pushed my bodyweight back up to where it was before catching the bug and once I’ve trained re-awoken my upper body and lower body with one moderate workout then I’m good to go back into real training.
Yeah, going to be interesting to see how long it takes to regain the kilos lost.
Not long 🙂