Update 27.09.2014: It was confirmed by the IWF to the Albanian federation that Hysen can lift at the Rio Olympics!
The IWF Sanctioned athletes page was updated.
Hysen is banned for 2 years, until 27.07.2014.
As for what that means for Rio 2016, the Olympic anti doping rules (PDF) say the following:
In accordance with the decision of the IWF Executive Board, any athlete who is found by the IOC to have committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) during the Olympic Games is not eligible to participate in any subsequent Olympic Games. Such athlete, following the conclusion of his/her period of ineligibility, may participate in any IWF Olympic Qualification Event, but will not earn any points for the Qualification Team Classification.
Since it says violation IC (in competition) I think the above would apply to him.
Personally, I would really like to see him lift again and hope he is training like a madman right now.
Here, again, are his 166kg Snatch and 211kg Clean & Jerk from his London preparation.
Thanks to VonBinsbergen for the heads up.
3 positives for Albania this year = $50,000 in the pockets of the IWF.
Hopefully we will see Hysen break world records in 2014.
looks like the other Albanian 77kg lifter was banned for that stimulant found in pre-workout supplements such as Jack3d, etc. Same one that Dimtri Lapikov got suspended for.
The substance banned by the World Anti Doping Agency in Jack3d is 1,3-dimethylamylamine (i.e. DMAA) just incase anyone was wondering. I used this once until i looked this ingredient up. In any case, I find caffeine tablets alone give you the came focus. Also the amount of beta-alanine and creatine in the Jack3d is very little considering creatine is typically loaded with ~20g for about a week followed by ~5g each day after. Beta-alanine is also taken in ~5g doses too.
Regardless they banned it in 09 so you should know not to use it. I think it gives a false positive for amphetamine use so they might have said it was dmaa but were using amphetamines. While DMAA looks promising and there are many anecdotes of the efficacy of 1,3-DMAA, most (if not all)
of the science is extrapolated from other compounds which act in a
similar manner. Some degree of caution should still be exerted until some studies on the 1,3-DMAA molecule itself are published.
I doubt they can afford to pay the fine. If anything this will effectively ruin their tiny weightlifting program.