The Podium Gold Weightlifting Club guys uploaded some videos of a young(-er, he is still only 19 years old) Hysen Pulaku.
Great technique right from the beginning.
At age 7 he goes from 27/45 to 35/47 (2000). In 2001, at age 8, he snatches 50kg and clean & jerks 55kg.
At 9 years old, he had a 45-50-52kg Snatch and a 55-62-65kg Clean & Jerk
Hysen was the number one junior and senior lifter in this weight class at 14. In this video, he snatches 97, 102 and 107kg. He clean and jerks, 131, 143 and misses his last attempt at 150kg. His 143kg Clean and Jerk was the senior record in Albania for 25 years.
great website. Thanks for all the articles. Sauro
Thanks Sauro, really appreciate the note.