Igor Lukanin (currently at 122kg bodyweight, plan for Rio is 140kg) busts out an unusual combo.
Push Press + Squat + BTN Jerk with 200kg on the bar.
This is for the “power base”. Increases stamina and work slow twitch muscle fibers.
BTW, on June 30th he and his coach will be at CrossFit Hells Kitchen, New York for a seminar.
For Sponsoring, contact Igor on Facebook.
This looked easier than Reis’ PP+PFS+Jerk. Interesting…
Because it’s a back squat and BN split jerk.
Ofc I see the BS but the PP is much better, less driving from the legs, and the jerk is much cleaner (yes the BTN helps). Just saying I think igor is looking very good,
You’re supposed to use lots of leg drive in PP..