Meanwhile in Kazakhstan …
In his 195kg Snatch off Blocks video I told you about the Anatoly Khrapaty Tournament, which is Ilya Ilyin’s first competition since the 2012 London Olympics.
He weighed in at 107.4kg, so he lifted in the +105kg category (no need to impede preparation for worlds). See the full results below.
How did he do?
This madman got a 185kg Snatch and 239kg Clean & Jerk for a 424kg Total.
You know, just casually lifting 1kg more than the current 105kg C&J World Record 😀 and beating his old PR C&J and Total (185 + 233 = 418 at London 2012).
The Best Part? Still 4 months left for him to improve!
- His attempts were 180, 185, x188 and 230, 239kg
- Added a translation of his post competition interview below
More: The Ilya Progress Tracker
239kg Clean & Jerk
Update: New Videos surfaced
185kg Snatch
After the competition Ilya gave an interview:
Ilya: It took all just fine, especially considering that I did not compete for two years – with a smile, said Ilyin.
The result are colossal. I added weight in the Clean and Jerk. After London had not snatched 185kg. Although it will be necessary to work on the Jerk. I did not yet fully perfect it. 188 kg after three attempts will be fine. Come the time of the WOrld Championships in November in Almaty I will show good results. I’m 99 % sure that I will win the gold medal.
Why did you start ins the +105kg category and not the one in which you plan to perform at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro?
Ilya: Because today I weigh 107.4kg. I did not “chase” [the 105kg number] and lose weight. I just came out of the house, weighed myself and stepped on the platform. I feel fine in the new category. Of course, we must also make sure that the newly added weight is quality weight, muscle mass. If I succeed, it will be possible to Snatch 190kg and 242-243kg in the C&J. It’s real. Still four months until World Championships.
But in September the Asian Games in Korea will start.
Ilya: I don’t have time to prepare for the Asian Games. I just want to start at the Worlds in 2014, as it will be held in Almaty. The people of Kazakhstan should live to see my performance.
Who will be your main rival in the World Cup?
Ilya: Ruslan Nurudinov and Andrei Aramnau. They come to mind, because they are talented and really show results. There are strong guys. Now I will not remember all the names. In any case, only one will not let me win. The one who goes all out and surpasses himself, he will win.
You will be upset with silver?
Ilya: I have only one goal – gold. I always winners and losers will not.
You and your team are training separately from the team of Kazakhstan. How do you evaluate the performance of your athletes players in the Anatoly Khrapaty memorial tournament ?
Ilya: My team is at 75 percent of its capacity. Overall, not bad. All athletes in the Kazakhstan team are now quite strong. I’m happy about it. The team finally looked like a team. But this tournament – is only a stage of preparation. They do not need to specifically peak here. We must go all out and show ourselves on the world stage. What sense does it make to do wonders here, and then take a 5-6th place at worlds? That’s why we teach our children.
Are you satisfied with Almas Uteshov’s results? Soon he will start at the Asian Games.
Ilya: Honestly, he could have performed better. He will need to work on the psychological aspect. Almas slightly underestimated this competition, and therefore missed several attempts. I think that in a month he will be in peak form.
And why did Vladimir Sedov not compete here?
Ilya: He has a minor injury. But do not worry. Now he is treated, and recovers. I think that in a couple of weeks will be back to normal. All the guys want to go to the Asian Games or the World Cup and bring Kazakhstan very good results.
Recently you worked on your thesis on the training of highly skilled weightlifters. Now, during preparation for the World Championships is it put on hold?
Ilya: No, I’m working and going to work on my thesis. I think I have enough brain to convey to people the knowledge I have. Why does it come easy for me? Because I work in the industry. And I help my supervisors. I still have time, thanks to the people who surround me. I am a happy person, because next to me there are always those who love me.
Do you have any enemies?
Ilya: I have no enemies because I am a very positive person. And I’m happy that I live on this planet. I have no time to acquire enemies. I have a goal, a mission, and I’m doing it.
Full Results
62kg: Arly Chauntea – 275 kg (130 +145)
- Azamat Rylov – 292 kg (131 +161)
- Zhandaulet Bekbolat – 250 kg (110 +140)
- Albert Linder – 322 kg (143 +179)
- Alexander Kim – 322 kg (144 +178)
- Batyr Asrar – 322 kg (142 +180)
- Ermek Omirtay – 365 kg (160 +205)
- Vyacheslav Yershov – 345 kg (160 +185)
- Kirill Pavlov – 342 kg (155 187)
- Rustem Sybay – 377 kg (164 +210)
- Yerbol Meirmanov – 351 kg (161 +190)
- Abzal Kydyrov – 276 kg (126 +150)
- Almas Uteshov – 395 kg (175 +220)
- Iskander Mominbekov – 380 kg (170 +210)
- Aslanbek Arsimirzaev – 350 kg (160 +190)
- Ibrahim Bersanov – 429 kg (197 +232)
- Ilya Ilyin – 424 kg (185 239)
- Selimhan Abubakarov – 420 kg (190 +230). He is 17 years old!
- Margarita Eliseev – 193 kg (86 107)
- Momotova Galina – 173 kg (77 +96)
58kg: Zulfiya Chinshanlo – 222 kg (100 +122)
63kg: Saule Saudakasova – 218 pounds (95 123)
69kg: Karina Goricheva – 248 kg (113 +135)
75kg: Zhazira Zhapparkul – 258 kg (118 +140)
- Grabovetskaya Maria – 292 kg (136 +156)
- Nurmuhambetova Anna – 230 kg (105 +125)
- Nadezhda Nogai – 225 kg (100 +125)
Women’s Team for Asian Games:
- Margarita Eliseev (48kg)
- Zulfiya Chinshanlo (53kg)
- Saule Sadvakasova (58kg)
- Karina Goricheva (63kg)
- Zhazira Zhapparkul (69kg)
- Anna Nurmuhambetova (75kg)
- Maria Grabovetskaya (+75kg)
Men’s Team:
- Arlie Chauntea (56kg)
- Azamat Rymkulov (62kg)
- Alexander Kim (69kg)
- Kirill Pavlov (77kg)
- Rustem Sybay, Ermek Omirtay (both 85kg)
- Almats Uteshov (94kg)
- Sergei Istomin (105kg)
- Ibrahim Bersanov (+105kg)
any other lifts from the competition?
I just added the results to the bottom of the post
he lifted as a 105+ and came 2nd
holy shit, just came to me that this is the first comp he hasn’t won (i know… it’s just for prep…)
He has lost before in national competitions. But never at international 🙂
Priorities, bruh!
I am aroused too LOL. What city was it in btw?
Will ilya lift in the asian games? Just sligthly overweight an he does 185+ 239 amazing!
No, I posted the Asian Games Teams below the Videos
It’s going to be really exciting to see Ilyin and Nurudinov at the worlds.
He looks super thick, damn! Jealous.
And while I’m certain he will take the CJ WR eventually, we shouldn’t forget that Bedzhanyan, Torokhtiy and Aramnau all did 240kg in local competitions as well. It’s not THAT easy to repeat this internationally.
I think the difference is that when we look at Ilya’s track record, he is more consistent than these lifters. It’s always important to take the performance history of the lifter into account. If I see Ilya snatch 180 in training, I assume he’ll snatch 185 in competition. If I see Pat Mendes snatch 180 in training, I assume he’ll snatch 165 in competition. If Salimi posts huge numbers in a national competition, I expect that we’ll never see a video of it, and he’ll perform at a much lower level at Worlds/Olympics. If Ilya posts big numbers at a national competition, I assume he’ll post bigger numbers in international competition. As someone has pointed out–he’s never lost an international competition, though he’s lost national competitions. He is an especially strong competitor psychologically, and seems quite gifted in focusing and attaining international level wins and records.
I completely agree about his mental fortitude. I remember in some interview when asked if he get’s nervous on big stages (Olympics), he said no because he has visualized himself making the lift a thousands times in his head. I would say he’s one of the mentally strongest lifters ever, right up there with Kaki. Completely unflappable.
It was this interview where he mentions his visualization process.
There you go. Nice to see that I didn’t completely misquote the interview, but almost. haha
Yes, it’s just so clear when he walks out on the stage that he’s not worried. He takes very little time to set up–many argue that it’s because he’s been doing it for decades, but so have most other Olympic competitors. Very few of them walk up to the bar and pull almost immediately. It’s not that one shouldn’t visualize a lift or make sure he is set up perfectly before pulling, but rather it’s just clear that he’s done the mental work and visualization BEFOREHAND so he doesn’t have do sit there setting up for 30 seconds nervously. I think this helps him to make the lifts so easily. You can tell some Olympic competitors are thinking themselves out of a snatch when they sit there setting up for so long.
I think his happy-go-lucky attitude has a lot to do with it as well. He’s probably the best role model for aspiring weightlifters because he has the perfect attitude for tackling something as painstakingly time-consuming as this sport. Sure his physical gifts are impressive (flexibility, legs like tree trunks, built like a fridge through the middle), but his mind-set is equally as impressive. From what we see through his videos, this guy genuinely enjoys getting in the gym and consolidating strength. Sure anyone can get excited about seeing gains and setting PR’s, but he seems to really enjoy the process. Doesn’t get mad at the weights. Doesn’t get mad at others when he misses lifts. Now isn’t that refreshing?
he is definitely a strong competitor psychologically – however: “If I see Ilya snatch 180 in training, I assume he’ll snatch 185 in competition.”
i think this is overstated..
prior london 2012 he did 196/240 in training, in competition “only” 185/233.
im sure, ilya will perform great at the worlds and in rio, but even his total looses some kilos when he has to clean up.
He had to loose like 10 kg, since he was about 105 during preparation.
Right, now there is only 2kg difference, which is nothing
As someone before me stated, he was very overweight when he did those numbers. Also, he just did what he had to for the win. He’ll have to do more in the 105s, I think! But yes, I think we both agree he’ll put up some great numbers.
yup he cut weight dropped 7 kg on his C&J and still did a world record at 94kg.I’d say it’s pretty predictable that he will do big numbers if his competition numbers are good
And why do you not expect video of salimi to be out if he makes a big lift?
Because, we’ve never seen any videos of the huge totals he supposedly put up in Iran. His 217+256 would have been the highest snatch ever, but the “video” of the lift is just him doing a much, much lower weight. It just puzzles me that this guy was hitting the biggest snatch of all time and not a single person thought of taking a video. That said, he obviously takes a huge hit when going to the Olympics–almost 20 kgs.
Can you point to the “video”?
We have only recently started seeing the videos of Iranian team. I guess earlier nobody(private individuals) made an effort of recording videos of lifts. There might be some local TV coverage of events but not private recordings. So lift recording is a very recent trend. Hence we have not seen videos of huge totals posted earlier.
Else Salimi snatching 217 might not have been a big deal for them. Who knows what Reza used to lift outside of competition. And Salimi did come close to that figure in competition.
Salimi’s C/J has to catch up. Maybe his height goes against him for C/J. For C/J, I am actually looking forward to exploits of Bahador. Again note that we have no video of Bahador training huge clean and jerks. But he almost made a big one at worlds.
This video shows his 217:
3 reds, 1 blue, 1 small green
yep..that does look a lot less. Again it is the local TV coverage. Here is one I found from a local competition but it matches the WR:
shows 217 and 56 as well. i do not get the comments that it looks like less…
shows 217 and 56 as well. i do not get the comments that it looks like less…
Ilya knows no limits, I wonder if his snatch will be around 200kg in competion too.
Is he still sticking to the goal of making Rio as a vegetarian? I wish he’d post videos of his typical meals.
Casually lifting 1 kg over the 105- world record. With some lifters, I might think it was a fluke, but Ilya is one of the most consistent there is. I think we’ll see a new 105 WR CJ soon.
Four months… and then another two years! Seeing this just, what, like eight months after taking a year off? It’s very inspiring.
Four months… and then another two years! Seeing this just, what, like eight months after taking a year off? It’s very inspiring.
The snatch wasn’t a big deal but that 239 kg c&j was one badass stuff !! 🙂
He hits all these massive numbers in training then he out lifts those in a local competition. Then he says he’ll really turn on the juice for Worlds. THIS ISN’T EVEN HIS FINAL FORM!
And then I read this on a kazakh portal:
“Two-time Olympic champion and fan favorite Ilya Ilyin failed to impress.
He was outclassed by Ibragim Bersanov in men’s +105kg category and ranked second in the medal standings.”
Failed to impress? Outclassed? Jesus…
Can you share where you read this? If you dont speak russian (or kazakh) and just used some online translator I can see how the real meaning can be tweaked. Not saying it cannot be, but I have a little harder time believing a sport portal would write sthg like that after such performance.
Oh, ok. Thx
Well, the reporter obviously didn’t understand the concept of not cutting weight uselessly. The sad thing is that in the first moment Ilya didn’t get gold medal – he got undermined by the media. I have to say it’s very similar in Hungary. Concentrating always on the negative things. That’s why I live in the UK :)))
Bersanov seems to be a light 105+ at around 115kg. Not that far off from Ilyin and very impressive as well.
But the completely crazy result is actually Abubakarov, he’s just 17! His 190+230 would be MASSIVE youth world records if done in an IWF meet. I hope we’ll see him in the A groups soon.