Blast from the past …
Ilya Ilyin’s coach, Toishan Bektemirov, uploaded a 200kg Snatch from Blocks by Ilya.
He wrote that this one is from his London 2012 preparation and looks so routine. Remember that in his interview with Dmitry Klokov he said his bodyweight was around 103kg when he did his 196kg Snatch (and 240kg C&J). So I think it’s safe to assume that he had a similar bodyweight when this video was filmed.
Curious what other clips he has in store for us…
Update: 205kg Snatch off Blocks from his 2014 preparation.
Update: YouTube Version
Nothing this man does ever fails to amaze me. Sweet buttery baby Moses, that is incredible.
Feel like he’s looking thicker. Awesome stuff.
“This one is from his London 2012 preparation”
I’m an idiot
Wait. That was the fastest I’ve ever seen another human move. faster than Vanev. Woah.
I don’t know where I read this but, apparently some blokes from some university decided to measure speed in all the Olympic sports.
The fastest movement recorded at any sport of any level, was at weightlifting.
Those scientist should take new measures, probably faster than Vanev.
I heard that as well…the super heavyweights beat the sprinters in the run for the first 10m or some thing crazy like that.
Was that faster than Vandarian?
Once Ilya moves to 105, I think he’ll rewrite every record on the books. His technique seems very consistent… sure he misses some snatches in training, but even at the Olympics he appears quite cheerful–the opposite of anxious. You can always tell the guys who are going to bomb… sweating nervously, taking way too long to set up, obviously feeling the pressure. Ilya walks out, smiles, grabs the bar, and lifts.
is this the same guy as this gentleman on the left, who seems to be a little on the chubby side, apparently without particular torso strength? 😉
Yeah, that guy on the right is like a hundred times stronger than that random beer drinking beach goer:)
well thats what happens when your off injecting stuff and no training for a year
Ilya’s upper body has never been anything particularly remarkable. He has some stout legs, though. Akkaev was always a little ahead of Klokov at the oly lifts… but you’d never know it from looking at their physiques.
Yep, upper body strength is very secondary for Olympic Weightlifting. Klokov reportedly has a 507 bench press and I recall Ilyin is only benching in the mid 300’s.
He doesn’t even look like he can bench 300 in that pic hahahaha…but Klokov has tremendous upper body strength. A 480 push press is amazing. A raw 500 bench at 230lbs is pretty serious too.
If you re not a total newbie to this site and the content like this, you should definitely know better than judging people by the looks. The long break definitely has something to do with it too, but I wouldnt be too afraid of Ilya getting back to his pre-London shape.
Just take a look at Taranenko CJ 266, looking like mr average (almost)
lol. funny you post this comment because ironically ilya has a picture of himself posing right next to a “anti doping sign”. maximum trolling. honestly i don’t really care about weightlifters using drugs or wutever, its the invisible rule of the game, everyone does it, even shitty american lifters who claim natural. the only guys that bother me r the people who take way more steroids and growth hormones than any weightlifter (look twice as jacked as weightlifters but can’t lift anything close to them) and claim natural as a means to scam people and make money off naive people.
… American lifters are clean. If they aren’t, they are quickly crucified and set ablaze on a funeral pyre!
Seriously, I cannot wait for the 2016 Olympics…why does it have to be so far away. I much rather swap this year’s World Cup for the Olympics…can’t wait to see the 105 battle (I hope it doesn’t end up like in London…). This is nuts but I think it is more scary to think that he did 240 at the same body weight…normally you see records being broken in training at a few kilos over the competing weight, not 2 kilos below it (!!). I hope he can maintain this form for Rio, because that would be some spectacle!