If you are into Intermittent Fasting / LeanGains check out this calculator app.
It lets you plan your caloric intake with respect to a certain macro nutrient ratio you want.
Check it out: Intermittent Fasting Calculator
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
If you are into Intermittent Fasting / LeanGains check out this calculator app.
It lets you plan your caloric intake with respect to a certain macro nutrient ratio you want.
Check it out: Intermittent Fasting Calculator
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
The website doesn’t seem to be operational any longer! Does anyone know what’s the deal as this was probably the best IF calculator I’ve seen!
ya it was the best…I used it 24/7….is it going to be available again??
yes in there a new way to access this site??? I loved that thing
please let us know if it reappears!
This is just unacceptable. Does anybody know a different website that has the same calculator. I finally find something that has worked and I can do for the long haul and it just disappears. Please help. Does anybody know the person who owns the code for the site? Maybe I could put it up on my work webpage as a community service. I am a professor at a college. [email protected]
Yes I found the owner I sent him an email! [email protected]
I talked to the owner. its been placed back up. http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/
Ya I got the email! A mobile app would be awesome!
Any news on this coming back…