It’s finally here: Lift the World by the International Weightlifting Federation.
It’s meant to introduce weightlifting to a general audience, which means that you won’t see the craziest training lifts or the latest discussions about training programs.
No, it’s about the people and the passion behind the world’s best sport.
I think you’ll agree that it’s very well made. Visuals and audio are top notch and it all works great towards the main goal: presenting weightlifting to a wider audience.
They visit athletes and coaches around the world. Among them China (Lu Xiaojun, Lu Haojie), Russia (Dmitry Klokov), György Szalai (Hungarian/Iranian coach). But it’s not only the superstars that get coverage. By visiting poorer countries they also show They also show accessible the sport is.
Share it. Show it to your friends, family, who always wondered what kind of sport you were obsessing about.
Dang, you uploaded this while I’m at work. Gonna watch the shiiiieet out of this when I get home! LOL
Haha, hope you like it.
It was interesting, the only really odd part was how long it showed Lu poppin bottles in the club lol
I hear there are party scenes that didn’t even make it into the final movie 🙂
That’s funny, I thought while watching “Oh cool a quick clip that shows a WR holder likes to have fun” then it got to be awkwardly long lol I can imagine the IWF film crew enjoyed that work day
You forgot to link György Szalai, the Hungarian/Iranian coach! :O
How could I forget to link THE man himself???
I know him quite well, he is a nice guy 🙂 He had a green grocery shop back in the days and during work he popped in to the training room to do some bench press. He was very strong I always looked up at him. Hungarian golden days lifter definitely.
To be honest, I did not find this to be of the same caliber as the Bulgarian “School of Champions” documentary. I don’t mean to say its ‘bad’, it’s just not as inspiring in my opinion.
btw anyone else catch that old guy at the club @ 30.30? lol
Also, whats up with the cutting away at Lu’s WR snatch while teasing “will he make it?” and returning to Lu during C&J? :/
“School…” is not a particularly good video to show a casual viewer. All they’ll gonna see is beat up guys and gloomy coaches.
I wrote what I thought of it, and that for me it was way more inspiring than LtW. I wasn’t saying that SoC was for the masses.
>All they’ll gonna see is beat up guys and gloomy coaches.
I would argue that they would see results. Back then the Bulgarians were unstoppable. But again, this is all subjective as how you see it.
I think the IWF did a solid job here. However, it is strange that there was no explanation of what a snatch and a clean&jerk actually are.
The “keep it simple” explanation of competition wasn’t simple at all unfortunately and the documentary would be better without it. I did like the general idea of portraying the people behind the sport rather than the athletic action though. Big thumbs up for camera work, light and overall quality.
I think if they went into detail about the lifts it would be like them trying to sell the sport. Instead they let you know what weightlifting simply is and the moment a newcomer gets a coach they’re gonna be along for a wild ride. Kinda like chewing gum but then it changes flavor on you.
anyone know the name of the song at the end?
El Toro y la luna 😀
This might be a good video for recruiting adolescent girls. Otherwise, I’m struggling to see who would like this video (other than people who already like weightlifting).
And not explaining the snatch or clean & jerk is unforgivable in my opinion. This film was really well produced from a sound/visual perspective—it’s obvious they had a decent budget and good people working on it. That’s what makes its suckiness all the more disappointing.
I have to agree. The production quality was excellent, but the content was disappointing.
If I’m drunk at a club and I see Lu Xiaojun and Liao Hui, I’m gonna bro the fock out of them… and probably introduce my sister to Liao Hui LOL
I would not show it to anyone outside weightlifting.
It is nice that they try to tell stories of lifters and that they chose lifters with good physiques. But instead of spending time on details like weigh ins and what happens in case of a draw they should show the lifts. Once!
A person who doesn’t know weightlifitng doesn’t know what a snatch or clean and jerk is. They should not only
show it but also give a little inside how people lift such big weights. I say that because most people believe the weights are lifted largely with the arms. Also to give a little inside in what to look for in a good lift can make the whole experience more enjoyable.
But instead you watch 50 minutes and still don’t know what the lifts are.
I also think they should have emphasized that weightlifting can be fun. That it can be fun and exciting to lift weights overhead. I mean who wants to start a sport where everybody just says you are going to be tired and hurt. No. Weightlifting is great, because it can be fun. In that regard it would have been nice to show also some master lifters. I liked that they showed lifters from all around the world and tried to tell stories, but they just forgot to show what weightlifting is about – namely to lift the most amount of weight overhead. It is not complicated. And they also forgot to mention simple things like that the weight goes only up and you had the climax at the end. This is what makes weightlifting much more a theatrical sport in comparison to other athletic disciplines.
And also lift some big weights! This is what the sport is about. Why didn’t they show some more lifts?
I second this.
I like this clip from the TrueWeightlifting youtube channel:
Watching this it motivates to lift. Or the slowmotion clip that hookgrip made from Ilyin’s record lift. That is just cool and very interesting to watch for non-lifters.
FYI – This clip was made by the International Weightlifting Federation as well.