The IWF has a couple of questions for you… 100 to be exact!
Meet the IWF technical officials examination questionnaire.
Some of these questions are rather obvious, but many require detailed knowledge of the IWF Rule Book.
I still found it interesting and learned a couple of new things.
For Example …
Q.19 Choose the correct rule
- Touching the head (hair and any items on the head are considered to be part of the
head) with the bar is an incorrect movement in the Snatch.
I have known this one, but have never seen it enforced whenever long hair touched a bar mid lift.
Q.22: I learned what a “dirty clean” is.
Q.24 on Oscillation – something I still see many people get wrong in comment sections.
Before starting the:
- a Jerk, any deliberate oscillation of the barbell to gain advantage is forbidden. The athlete
must become motionless. - b Jerk, any deliberate oscillation of the barbell to gain advantage is forbidden. The athlete
and the barbell must become motionless. - c Snatch, any deliberate oscillation of the barbell to gain advantage is forbidden
Answer: a
Q.33 After the visible and audible “Down” signal and before the decision lights operate:
- a the Referees have 2 seconds to reverse their decision
- b the Referees cannot reverse their decision
- c the Referees have 3 seconds to reverse their decision
Answer: c, didn’t know that.
Q.37 Which unitard can athletes wear?
- a one piece, loose fitting, collarless, black, no design and no pattern
- b two piece, tight fitting, collarless, any colour, no design and no pattern
- c one piece, tight fitting, with collar, black, no design and no pattern
Answer: b
Q.38 What is the correct rule?
- a unitard can be worn over the costume
- b a pair of shorts can be worn over the costume
- c it is permitted to wear two-piece costume
Answer: b. You can actually wear shorts over your singlet!
Q.69 In very hot weather:
- a the President of the Jury decides if the Referees can remove their jacket
- b the Technical Controller decides if the Referees can remove their jacket
- c it is not allowed to work without a jacket
Answer: a. So much trolling potential.
Q.72 True or False:
If a lift is failed because the platform is damaged or the barbell becomes disarranged during
the lift; or there is an incursion or any other, external interference, the Referee(s) must grant
an additional attempt for the affected athlete:
Answer: False. I wish they would grant another attempt though.
Q.79 During the weigh-in athletes are:
- a entitled to wear jewelry, hair adornments and religious head gear but must not wear
watches. - b not entitled to wear jewelry, watches, hair adornments and religious head gear.
- c entitled to religious head gear but cannot wear jewelry, watches and/or hair adornments.
Answer: a. What’s up with the watch hate? What if my religion requires me to wear a huge watch on my head at all times??
Q.89 True or False:
If an athlete, during the execution of the lift moves to a position where the view of the Referee
is impaired, the Referee(s) cannot move to a position to observe the lift correctly.
Answer: False, but I have never seen a referee move to get a better view.
For what it’s worth they’re thinking about changing the hair touch rule.
For what it’s worth, the answer to Q. 72 is kind of a trick. The Jury allows another attempt, not the referees.