Jim Wendler takes another look at the assistance exercises.
Let’s take a look at the key lifts and what needs to be strong to do them:
- Squat — abs, low back, hamstrings, quads.
- Deadlift — same as squat, plus upper back/lats and grip.
- Bench Press — chest, shoulders, triceps, lats/upper back.
- Overhead Press — same as bench press, plus low back/abs.
And here are his suggestions for assistance exercises for these areas.
- Abs — sit ups, ab wheel roll-outs, hanging leg raises.
- Low Back — good mornings, back raises, reverse hyperextensions.
- Quads — lunges, leg presses.
- Chest — dips, dumbbell presses, dumbbell flyes.
- Triceps — dumbbell presses, dips, triceps extension/pushdowns.
- Shoulders — any pressing exercise.
- Hamstrings — glute ham raise, good mornings, back raises, leg curls.
- Lats/upper back — pull-ups, bent rows, dumbbell rows, shrugs.
- grip, just perform Kroc rows (high rep dumbbell rows) or high rep shrugs (no straps).