Meanwhile in the US …
What the … ? 15 year Joseph Pena Squats 330kg (727 lbs)? Happened at the USAPL Raw Nationals.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in the US …
What the … ? 15 year Joseph Pena Squats 330kg (727 lbs)? Happened at the USAPL Raw Nationals.
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
That wasn’t the last video of a 15 year old I saw that made me feel bad. Just this morning, 200 front squat @ 94 and 15 years old.
Yeah, crazy. I shared that one yesterday on ATG’s facebook page
I figured you shared it somewhere. Pena definitely makes me feel worse. I’ve front squatted 192.5 in just a belt, so I’m not TOO far behind this kid, but I’m nowhere near 330 back squat in just a belt!
How is thos possible??..