The US Olympic Training Center athletes Colin Burns, Donovan Ford, David Garcia and Anthony Pomponio sat down for a training roundtable.
- Training Squats during Shoulder Injuries (hip belt and safety bar squats)
- David Squatted 3x per week when he did his 305kg Squat
- Opinions on Squat Programs (Smolov, Russian Squat Program)
- Low Bar Back Squat is useless for weightlifters
- Front Squat vs Back Squat Frequency
- Hypertrophy training for Weightlifting, no necessary, but can be useful on when far out from a competitions
- How do better Squat numbers carry over to other lifts
- Training at the OTC with Zygmunt Smalcerz’s program (9 sessions/ week, Mon/Wed/Fri 2x/day, Squat Tu,Th,Sat)
Helder says
Great.Yet,i wonder what the expert Ripettoe would say about not pressin,deadlifting and low bar squatting?? HAHA