The Paleo Solution – Episode 87 has a couple of interesting topics this week.
Among them are
[9:23] Unilateral Training
[19:33] Skinniness, Paleo and Steroids
[29:22] Explosive Lifting & Hypertrophy
Greg Everett’s advice:
- Explosive movements recruit more motor units, but that does not equal more hypertrophy.
- You are tapping into high thresh units -> limit how many you are using -> less hypertrophy
- You should do explosive concentric and controlled eccentric movements (more muscle damage on eccentric -> tissue breakdown-> repair -> hypertrophy)
- be explosive on the main lifts
- keep tempo stuff to artillery exercises
Another good advice from Greg on taking advice from the big guys in the gym:
“Take it with a grain of salt . Because you really have no idea wheater those guys are big because of the way they train or because they have always been big. You won’t always get the best advice from the guys, who havent had to work for it. Just consider that “