Kevin Bania saw yesterday’s jumps from Alejandro Baez.
He can do 122.5cm (48.25″) sumo landing box jumps too.
knees to ears not needed
In the post with his amazing 162.5cm jump he commented that his vertical is 86cm (34 inch)
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Kevin Bania saw yesterday’s jumps from Alejandro Baez.
He can do 122.5cm (48.25″) sumo landing box jumps too.
knees to ears not needed
In the post with his amazing 162.5cm jump he commented that his vertical is 86cm (34 inch)
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
This is a joke, right? Baez is a competetive athlete in a real sport, with competition numbers. This other guy is what? Good at exercise? His max C&J = 139 Max snatch = 107
As a 77, Baez went 142/182 at the Euro championships.
To even mention them in the same post is disrespectful to Baez. He should have respect for Baez, not some smug dumbass comment.
Too bad you didn’t get what the post was about at all.
Also leave your condescending comments somewhere else please, and not here. Thanks.
No disrespect intended here. But I agree with Factory Rider. Congratulations to this young man for being an excellent athlete but what is the purpose of comparing them? It just seems that he is catapulting himself off of the coat tails of Baez..
Does nobody on the internet have a sense of humor anymore?
It had nothing to do with comparing them. OK, fine, I’ll explain.
In the post of Alejandro’s jumps I mentioned kind of sneakily that he jumps “without knees to ears deep squat landing.” This referred to a comment on the Kevin’s original video with the 162jump.
Kevin saw this and just an made a new video with the different jumping style and referred back to my comment saying “Knees to Ears Not Needed”. That is all.
To say that he is “catapulting himself off of the coat tails…” completely missed the points above.
Both are phenomenal athletes in their disciplines. Moving on…
My bad – misinterpreted the spirit of the post/quote. Recant and apologies.
Alright, thanks.