From the 2014 Worlds 77kg Session…
Here is Kirill Pavlov (KAZ) with his 195 kg catapult Clean.
Many roads lead to Rome.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
From the 2014 Worlds 77kg Session…
Here is Kirill Pavlov (KAZ) with his 195 kg catapult Clean.
Many roads lead to Rome.
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wtf did I just watch
Pirill Pavolo 195kg Catapult Clean
Straight arms during the pull are clearly overrated 🙂
I wonder if he does the same for the snatch?
I also wonder if this action is legal, because the bar appears to stop, making his a two-movements clean, rather than a single one (an academic question, of course, as he got three whites).
Straight arms are underrated 😉 His technique is awful to watch and inefficient, but he lifts heavy weights and he´s Kazach, so I guess It´s allright after all
Hmm,, people shouldn’t get hung up on arms being straight. During the 1st and 2nd pull, you should really focus on arms being relaxed not just being straight which is different from being relaxed. For most people when they relax through their arms, their arms are not really 100% straight, they are more slightly bent.
His snatch actually looks very smooth. The only thing I find unusual about his snatch is it looks like he pushes his knees out really wide and at one point it looks a little like the insides of his feet actually came off the ground.
It wouldn’t appear to stop if it were played at normal speed–the super slo mo just gives that impression.
look at people on the background, they are horrified.
I’m guessing if you don’t have a problem failing cleans, then there’s no reason trying to fix what isn’t broken. Notice he doesn’t seem to have any problems with recovering from the clean. Very bizarre technique, though.
This is not that different from Pyros way, idea is to pull bar to your hips before your back erects that much, field of discussion, but it works for some athletes
Don’t think so, Dimas used to shrug before the 2nd pull, slightly unorthodox but nothing like this. This is more like a hitch