Here is Kirill Sarychev’s (23 years old) 315kg (694 lbs) raw bench press from the 2012 Battle of Champions.
Update: Video with all his attempts. Thanks Phil.
280kg, 300kg, 307,5kg, 315kg
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Here is Kirill Sarychev’s (23 years old) 315kg (694 lbs) raw bench press from the 2012 Battle of Champions.
Update: Video with all his attempts. Thanks Phil.
280kg, 300kg, 307,5kg, 315kg
Update: Complete recording of the 2012 Battle of Champions
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Hell of an arch on that setup!
Yea watching him set up hurt my lower back ,___,
highest paused bench in history I believe
mendelson did a touch and go
negative. Mendelson has the record with 715lbs. James Henderson has done over 700lbs. And, another 700lb bench was done just last month (link below). Kirill’s bench is 5th all-time I believe. The one he missed would have put him at 3rd all time. But, he’s only 23, there’s no doubt he’s the next king of the bench press. This guy (kid basically) is an absolute phenom.