Kirk shares his experiences with Chinese weightlifting training.
Notes from the Video:
- Chinese use lots of exercises, not everybody uses all of them
- there’s a guy who squats 440kg
- Coaches are trying to find weaknesses and focus on them
- Chinese team has no routine, but more like an outline of what certain days will be focused on
Then he describes a Monday.
- power snatches, half snatces (catch slightly above parallel) hand high snatch pull with rebend
- push presses behind the neck , snatch balance
- snatch to 1 RM 5-6 sets
- if lifter misses too many times, he spends more time on doubles or triple (like 5 sets of triples, or 6 sets of doubles)
- drop weight 5-10kg, and do extra 2-3 sets of 3-4 reps
- 45-60 minutes just snatching with little rest, no sitting down
- snatch pull from floor or deficit
In general they’re not stuck on one particular rep scheme.
- good point he makes, “don’t be emotionally attached to an exercise”
- they eat 3 times a day
- steroids are not so common at lower level athletes
Update: Here he is on the similarities of the Chinese, Russian and Bulgarian System.
Wow! 440kg backsquat, that’s insane!
Also 190 snatch , 235 c&j
Somebody send this guy a cam please.
190 kg snatch and a 235 kg CnJ isnt tobad you know;) And also he doesnt ever have to do a backsquat in the rest oh his life. Is his frontsquat like 300kg or above? If not he is certinly doing powerlifting style backsquats.
Would be interesting to know…
For now it is just another one of those Chinese weightlifting myths (that is hopefully true).