Update: Live Stream
They are back!
Dmitry Klokov and Khadzhimurat Akkaev are on the start list of the 2013 Russian Championships.
After a complete lack of news about the meet the Russian weightlifting federation today published the start list.
- Schedule & Results
- Start List (PDF): Men, Woman
Search the list for Клоков and Аккаев and you will see that Akkaev entered with a 420kg total (Klokov 400kg).
Also on the list is Vladislav Lukanin (350kg entry total at 77kg).
Let’s hope there are a lot of people with good video cameras there.
The results from this meet will be a deciding factor of who will go to the Summer Universiade in Kazan (July 6th-17th). And while we are talking about the universiade, Tatiana Kashirina’s wrist has healed and she will start there.
Related: Khadzhimurat Akkaev Profile, Klokov & Akkaev London Olympics Prep
Thanks to Charis for submitting the info.
Hmm…no Lapikov ?
Damn, you are right 🙁
live stream http://www.rfwf.ru/
Some news about Klokov and Lapikov:
Venkov (a head coach of men’s team) said that if he wins, he will go to a WWC2013. He said that “he is no special”, and “his future depends on how he will show himself on [Russian] championship”. Also Venkov mentioned that Klokov seems to be “prepared well”.
Another thing is that “it was planned that Lapikov would compete in the same [with Klokov] category”. Can’t tell if it is accurate information, but basically it suggests that Lapikov is 105er now. I will wait for some more serious confirmation on that one.
Also, as Venkov says, Lapikov is going to miss those championship because of the injury.
And he says few words about Akkaev, that “he has no information about Akkaev” and “it is shrouded in mystery”.
Thanks Soiren, I saw your comment a bit late.
Klokov seems to be posting a lot of his pics on facebook right now. His way of stress busting?