Who would have thunk it? Two Russian lifters took the top spots at the 2013 Junior Worlds 94kg.
Konstantin Roschupkin went 6/6 and totaled 371kg with a 168kg Snatch and a 203kg Clean & Jerk.
That gave him the 1kg lead over his colleague Alexey Kosov (Youth Snatch WR holder) who snatched 173kg, but “only” managed 197kg in the C&J.
The 105kg category also saw a double Russian Podium with totals close to those of the 94kg (374kg/371kg).
Alexei held the 202kg (if it was that, can’t remember) cnj over head but his elbow hyper extended so had to drop it 🙁
Clarence could have got very close
any word on why he didn’t show