Here is 22 year old Lasha Talakhadze‘s heavy Snatch session which was filmed on 27.06.2016.
He worked up to 200kg for two singles, then attempted a double and finished off with a another single.
Also in the video, Irakli Turmanidze, Revaz Davitadze, Giorgi Chkheidze.
More: Watch his 170kg No Hookgrip Snatch Session Here.
So far his best snatch is 215kg which he has done three times in training. He also clean and jerked 260kg and his best Squat is 330kg.
Lasha 70kg Snatches08:12
Lasha 140kg (I missed the 150s after that)11:00
Lasha 170kg13:00
Lasha 190kg x213:42
Lasha 200kg x114:08
Lasha next 200kg x114:52
Lasha 200kg Snatch Double Attempt15:50
Lasha 200kg x117:57
Lasha 265kg x3 Back Squat (not shown: some of the lighter sets)20:10
Irakli 260kg x3 Squat
hey! quick thing… I don’t know if the audio was faulty or if it uploaded incorrectly, but it is definitely grainy and off. Also, the date may be wrong (27.07.16), unless he’s lifting in the fuuturrreeeee!
love the videos you guys upload. its amazing watching these athletes lift and train.
Audio sounds fine to me.
Aaaand I stand corrected.
Odd, for some reason earlier it sounded terrible except for the allthingsgym techno-jingles and slo-mo overlays.
sorry about that!
Did he mention what his best C&J in training is?
He did 260 earlier this year.
Woww,that was great!!!
Good video. Another lifter proving a huge squat is not required to have a big clean and jerk. Alexeyev told Bud Charniga have rarely worked out with more than 270 kg in the back squat and Zakharevich told Charniga his best front squat was 250 kg when his best C&J was 265 kg.
That’s crap… They were lying. All of those guys were emensly strong in the squat. They probably just hit a level where it was not necessary to squat heavy anymore.
Really? See link; either they are lying or Charniga is lying. I doubt either is the case.
I read that pisarenko wasn’t that strong in squat, and albegov supossedly have done 305*2 max
Taranenko was noted as saying that once he got to an easy 300kg squat that he started doing other exercises such as step ups and such to strengthen other parts of his legs.
Prove it. Name source. You want to be an A-hole, I can be an A-hole. Lovchev doing easy 300 double.
Link to Tarenko saying he Backsquatted 380.
Good. Nothing wrong with that. The poster I was replying to has always had this “I know everything and others know nothing” attitude. Like it matters. The point I was making is that a big squat is not always a requirement for success in Olympic Lifting as stated in the Charniga article I linked. but, NO, some A-hole has to spout off about people “lying” and implying that he is some kind of “authority” on the subject. Charniga is an “authority” on lifting. I would tend to believe him since he travels extensively and has been covering weightlifting over 30 years. For the sake of conversion, I read in I.O.L. magazine several years ago that Taranenko said he had been working out with 350 kg in the back squat leading up to his 266 kg C&J record. The bad thing about the internet is that many can appear to be experts when all they are doing is repeating another source. I am far from an expert on anything(except maybe which TV dinners are good) and do not claim or imply that I know everything about Olympic Lifting. I learn a lot from men like Charniga since he knows/knew personally many of the individuals that figure into the history and background of weightlifting. Many have claimed to know Abadijev, but few are willing to discuss his ideas in a rational scientific way. On Charniga’s site, he does not allow for comments on his articles and has told me that people do not have to read them if they do not want to. And you know why.
hahahahahaha…yep a world record clean and jerk…with a 300kgx2 back squat. That’s pretty much the proof right there.