While I am working on his 0-220kg warm up video, here is Lasha Talakhadze’s 220kg snatch world record from the 2017 world championships.
A 3kg improvement over his previous record from Europeans 2017.
Update: Here is the 0-220kg Warm Up Video.
More Lasha:
Some people expressed their opinion about this attempt saying that it was a no lift or at least a questionable one.
For those who never lifted and don’t understand the difference between good or no lift : Some elbow movement or a bit of twisting after the bar is already over your head and your hand was straight is not a failure – it’s fighting. Lasha did no press out with this snatch although it wasn’t as easy as his previous snatches. Perfectly good lift.
On the other hand Salimi’s jerks were press outs and the judges were right to fail them. It is not a matter of opinion or a point of view or something to debate. I am not saying this to defend Lasha I would be the first to point out if it was a no lift. But it wasn’t.
I was actually disappointed to see that the Iranians were absolutely no match for the Georgian. Posting 260 c&j -s from Salimi happens almost frequently but he never does it in competition. I thought he was gonna lift around 470 and challenge Lasha but both Iranians were light years from that.
It seemed to me that Salimi still deals with some injuries. It’s a shame, but after the behaviour of the Iranian fans I couldn’t help but root for Lasha.
If anyone doubts this lift they are completely unqualified to make any judgements on weightlifting.
as long as he’s not injured / get caught, he will be the king. he has the overhand in snatch and is really strong in C&J