Here is the heaviest training hall session I have ever filmed.
5 days out from competition, 24 year old Lasha Talakhadze (166kg) worked up to:
- 210kg Snatch (his opener in competition!)
- 240kg Clean & Jerk (two singles)
Session Duration: around 90 minutes.
Whenever Lasha does his heavy trainings you can feel the nervousness of the coaching staff. Everything gets triple checked. The bar, the platform, everything gets an inspection by Giorgi Asanidze and Co. Some dust particles on the edge of the platform? You bet they will get wiped away before Georgia’s national treasure steps foot on it.
Lasha, however seemed relaxed as always. “You want me to snatch 210 today? Okay, no problem.”, or something along those lines, is what I imagine the conversation before training to be like.
In addition to the usual tension before such a heavy training, this one had the added bonus of having the Iranian team train just a few meters away from Lasha. You can see them in the background a couple of times.
Thank You Gregor, never saw an athlete crosses himself as much as this big fella