Mark Bell and the Supertraining Gym crew had Dr. Layne Norton on the PowerCast Podcast to talk about nutrition & powerlifting.
Since Layne is one of the few reasonable guys in nutrition that I think are worth listening too, I thought this was worth sharing.
They talk about:
- why he recommends 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight [34:20]
- flexible dieting, carb cycling, refeeds (which he is not a fan of) [48:20]
- high intensity, short duration cardio [1:17:20]
Download mp3 (right click + ‘save as’) or listen below.
Update: Layne won the USAPL 93kg class.
294kg Squat (650lbs) and 290kg Deadlift (640 lbs)
Layne is certainly a good source of info, especially for the natural lifter–he has both the education and experience. He’s done bodybuilding and powerlifting at high levels, but also has the education to prevent a descent into broscience.
It says he recommends 1g per lb of protein not 2g per lb at 34.20.
Weird, you must be seeing a cached version. originally I posted 1g per pound, then changed it to 2 per kg, and immediately after changed it back to 1g per pound
FWIW, 1g/lb is already overkill.