Frank Rothwell posted this blast from the past.
Leonid Taranenko’s 267.5kg World Record Clean & Jerk attempt at the 1988 in Cardiff.
See his 266kg C&J here.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Frank Rothwell posted this blast from the past.
Leonid Taranenko’s 267.5kg World Record Clean & Jerk attempt at the 1988 in Cardiff.
See his 266kg C&J here.
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I was very lucky to see Taranenko jerking 255 kg in Budapest in 1990.
I was very lucky to see Taranenko jerking 255 kg in Budapest in 1990.
I don’t think it was in france. The sign reads cardiff
Yeah, even though wiki says the 66th Europeans were in France… odd
why did he not go to seoul?
allegedly he had pneumonia
Great to see that again. I was there that day. Thanks for sharing 🙂
That is great 🙂
I was sitting with Frank throughout those champs. First time I’ve ever seen anything on film from it . Brilliant ! I believe Taranenko’s clean is the greatest ever in competition …. or elsewhere ? That was the last ‘full’ championships with ever-increasing weights before it all ‘blew-up’ late in the week at Seoul ! Levandovski (RIP) was drafted in late for Kurlovich and snatched 210 !
loaders just forgot about the 20 kg discs haha. sick seeing the bar bend so much when he racks it!
I found this interesting interview of leonid taranenko. here’s the link