Here is Li Fabim’s 134kg Snatch from the 2014 World Championships.
This was good enough to earn the then 21 year old the 56kg silver medal. Gold (in the Snatch went to Thach from Vietnam).
(Video also on Facebook and Instagram @atginsta)
In the C&J it didn’t go as well for him as he only made his opener at 157kg.
I think this kid’s gonna be the next Wu Jingbiao. Shredded as hell, looks like he works extremely hard, great snatch, but poor leg strength and thus poor clean and jerk. He’d probably cut it for gold anyway in anytime other than now (or when Mutlu/Suly was around). Now, with Om and Tuan, this kid’s just not good enough and doesn’t look like he has a lot of improvement potential. China’s hopes in the 56kg lie in Long QingQuan (reborn and starting training under Coach YuJie) and the rising Cheng Meng.
I think 134 is a 4kg PB, but yeah a 291 total and still no medal is quite a standard. And China has 6 (maybe 7 soon with Meng) guys capable of a 290 total. I think they’re getting quite frustrated after being cocky for many years.
This class is so tight currently there’s no clear favorite, just like the 85s. Whoever makes the most lifts wins imo. At the WWC Om not making his last jerk and he’s out of the medals, Long just doing one more and he wins and so on.
I think Thach will go 62 sooner or later, he’s just taller than the rest.