Meanwhile at the 2013 Worlds in Poland …
Liao Hui took the 69kg Clean & Jerk and Total World Record.
- Snatch:155kg, 160kg, x166kg
- Clean & Jerk: 186kg, 195kg, 198kg
Watch it in glorious slow motion (or in full speed here at 53:00).
Update: Here is HookGrip’s Sequence of it.
For Recordings of the 69kg session (as well as the others) check out the 2013 worlds page.
More Liao Hui:
Update: HD Video
that was awesome. I was applauding in front of the tv and at home they were wondering why i wasn’t watching champions league …
LOL, champs league, what is that?
But seriously, an unforgettable evening, with also a world junior record of 194 by the Azerbaijan lifter. Too bad the hall was half empty, and lot of the people were actually other lifters, coaches and staff, so very very very little regular people (like me and a few friends) to witness it live! shame on you Poland, I thought this was a weightlifting country 🙁
Should be Liao hui breaks clean and jerk and total records… Again.
First of all: Oleg Chen was terrific in the snatch! Great job.
Liao Hui: What a competition he did! He took back what was his in the past. And what a wonderful lifter! when he squatted he leaned a bit forward because the clean wasn’t flawless but he – instead of standing up entirely and force himself to step forward quickly to save it,and hence put himself in trouble – he stepped forward while he was standing up,very gently and at the end it was like nothing had happened before. It was absolutely brilliant! Nobody can be compare to him in this category.
For more slow mo videos from us at the World Weightlifting Chanps check out
Very nice, thanks.
Pleasure mate!
How about Lu Xiaojun new WR snatch!!! Slow Mo 120fps
Thanks Matthew. Already posted (along with a shoutout too the Podcast 🙂 )